Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 4 of eating like a caveman!

This morning I jumped on the scale curious to see if I lost a pound yet. To my astonishment, Kevin & I have both lost 4lbs! However, my energy levels have been pretty low, but my crossfit trainer has told me to stick with it for a month and see where it takes you. 

Before starting Paleo, I've been worried about the fat intake that this lifestyle has. A friend of mine who is a board certified nutritional therapy practitioner has helped ease my mind about the fat intake. Here are her words:  "Our bodies were actually meant to survive on fat. We need cholesterol to function properly. Cholesterol is the precursor to every single hormone in the body yet people don't eat it today and wonder why we have diabetes, thyroid problems and a host of other diseases. Eating lots of carbohydrates is what actually causes inflammation in the body. Paleo to me isn't about looking good. It's about feeling good and being healthy; once that happens, your physique will fall into place." 

This morning for breakfast, I ate a couple of boiled eggs, 1/2 grapefruit, and have attempted drinking Kombucha tea. Have you ever heard of Kombucha tea?  Here is a picture of it:
After reading online about Kombucha tea, I was really confused. Is it good for you or not? It states online that it helps the immune system, digestive system, and prevents cancer; however, it's not proven. First of all, never believe everything you read online. So once again, I asked my friend from above, and this is what she had to say about it:
"Kombucha is one of the best things for you. It's full of natural pro-biotics and B vitamins. It does boost your immune & digestive system. We need a good balance of bacteria in our gut for it to work properly and with today's standard diet of inflammation it's something everyone needs. I brew my own because it's $3 a bottle at the store but will still spend the $ in a pinch. I can't quote the anti cancer properties but in a round about way, yes, it would help. Preventing cancer is about reducing inflammation and ridding the body of toxins and chemicals." Also, here is a link to find out more information about kombucha tea:

My experience with Kombucha tea: It definitely has a distinct taste. The one above is the Gingerade. It's pretty strong. I don't know if I like it or not. I also bought another flavor called Multi-Green.  Maybe the latter one is much better... I hope.

My biggest challenge today is preparing for drill. Going out of town can be a huge temptation in all sorts of ways. Kevin is also accompanying me as well. My only option is to pack our meals the best I can. For lunch Saturday I made a salad accompanied by a Larabar:
 I also packed Kevin a salad too with beef jerky.
For dinner Saturday night, I packed us both garden meatballs with marinara sauce. Luckily I made these awhile back and froze them. The meatballs isn't my favorite meal, maybe because of the texture of them. I do plan on trying a different recipe in the future.
Lunch for Sunday will be 1/2 grapefruit, apple-chicken sausage, and cucumber:
Breakfast will be a green drink for Saturday morning as we travel to drill, and 1/2 grapefruit & banana for Sunday. I have also packed extra Apple-Chicken Sausage for a snack. And I might add some celery with Justin's Hazlenut Butter for something a little extra in case I didn't pack enough. 
Wish us luck. 

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