Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ft. Hood, TX

This year's Annual Training was held at Ft. Hood, Tx. My unit replaced the 1st Cavalry band for 2 weeks of real Army. We began each day with PT at 0530 and ended each day feeling very exhausted. We worked hard in preparing for several Army change of commands and also an Air Force change of command. Many of our buglers also had side performances as in playing in several funerals. On top of it all, we played in a public performance in the German town of Fredericksburg, TX as well as in a baseball game for a double A team in Round Rock, TX. Although it was a busy two weeks, we managed to fit in some quality fun time with great people. Ft. Hood was an interesting experience, but could have been better if my brother Frank was still there. He deployed a month prior to us arriving. I felt so close to home, yet so far away. Here are some memories of Ft. Hood:

There is nothing better than living in the army barracks... not. Actually, it could have been worse, way worse. While many of our soldiers shared
rooms with roaches and ants, my roommate and I were very fortunate that the only bug we shared our room with were moths. After several hours of cleaning our room with loads of pine-sol and 409 cleaner, our rooms were ready for a little touch of home. Like I said, it could have been worse. Don't mind my pink bed sheets... after wearing camo all day, it's nice to see a touch of feminine.

We spent many hours in the baking sun practicing and perfecting our march and commands to prepare for several change of command ceremonies. We did great considering it was our first change of command ceremony in 4 years. During the Air Force change of command, many of us questioned ourselves on why we didn't join the Air Force? The Air Force change of command was the complete opposite of an Army change of command. While in the Army we bake in the sun with the rest of the troops for hours and parade across the field hoping there aren't any casualties. On the other hand, the Air Force change of command was short, simple and relaxing. They provided us with chairs, shade, water... you name it, we got it. However, I've got to say that we have better props:

This here is an Apache that we got to see take off and show off above us. I have to admit, it was pretty cool and would have been even cooler to fly in it. On the other side of the field was a Blackhawk. These were on the field for the change of command ceremony we did for an aviation unit. A week earlier we did a change of command ceremony for a MP unit where they shot off 13 cannons. It was pretty bad-ass.

Although we worked so hard, we also learned how to party hard. A group of us went out to Wild Country and had ourselves some refreshing drinks and some dancing. It was a great night with great people. This pretty much caps it all until next year, destination: Alaska.